Do You Speak Dog? Listening with our eyes and helping them understand what we are asking

Tuesday, April 28, 2020 - 5:30pm

This 2 week live, virtual course will me for 1 hour on 4/14 and 1 hour on 4/28 at 5:30pm EST.  

Dog's communicate with humans primarily with nonverbal body language.  As humans, who communicate with both words and body language, understanding what our pet's are saying can be quite challenging. We often misunderstand each other which creates a disconnect in the human-animal bond.  This course is for TBC clients and any pet owner looking to understand and connect with their canine companion. After completing this course, you will have a better understanding of canine body language and some tools to communicate more clearly with your pet. 

 - Week 1: Bridging the Communication Gap - Canine body language review with video examples and an interactive game

 - Week 2: Clear Cueing and Clicker Training - Clarifying what we are asking of our pets through the use of positive reinforcement can concise cues

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The Behavior Clinic
9680 Columbia Road, 
Olmsted Falls, Ohio 44138

Phone: 440-334-8534

Fax: 216-920-9990

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